Museo Diocesano Brindisi


The museum is a microcosmos of professionalism in which several skills are required like:

  • marketing;
  • fundraising;
  • graphic design;
  • hospitality;
  • security;
  • conservation and restoration;
  • history;
  • cataloguing.

These are only some of the examples that could be given to describe the complexity of professional areas connected to the museum. In this way the Diocesan Museum “G. Tarantini” proposes to the schools several projects like the project for transversal skills and orientation (percorsi per le competenze trasversali e per l’orientamento, pcto), the project “Art Ambassadors”, the dual training (working and learning) path. All the activities are meant to define a quality welcoming for the visitors with guided tours, digital products on the museum content and the participation to restoration workshops at the different museum locations. Moreover, the museum always welcomes new proposals coming from schools looking for an enrichment of the students and the community.