The Diocesan Museum “G.Tarantini” was opened in June 2012 in the Saint Teresa’s Church in Brindisi. The church underwent a process of restoration and improvement of the material infrastructures in 2022 thanks to the funds of the Apulia Region call, “Interventions for the development and use of the cultural heritage belonging to ecclesiastical institutions”, which enriched the cultural services and the technological adjustment of the cultural heritage offer.
After obtaining the permission from the local Superintendency and by decree of the bishop, the museum items have been transferred from Saint Teresa’s Church to Saint Paul the Anchorite’s Church, which is another location of the diocesan museum that has been recently restored. As the aim is to protect, preserve, increase and make accessible the cultural heritage of the Archdiocese of Brindisi-Ostuni, in January 2021 His Excellency Monsignor Domenico Caliandro, archibishop of Brindisi-Ostuni, has canonically erected the Network of the Diocesan Museum, whose headquarter is in Saint Teresa’s Church and on the upper floor, in Saint Paul the Anchorite’s Church and in the Pious Schools’ Church in the area of Brindisi, and on the ground floor of the Palazzo Episcopio in the area of Ostuni.